Our powerful automations save you time and give you peace of mind that your messages are being delivered, removing the manual effort from your workload. Text Drip and Scheduled Messages are easy to use and are a staple in today’s chaotic communication landscape as well as Auto Responses and No-Dialogue automated messages.
Automated Text Message Service for Nonprofits

Save time and grab attention with Text Drip.
Text Drip keeps your message at the forefront for the recipient, consistently delivering a series to frequently grab their attention. Schedule a series of texts to go out over time to a certain group or your entire audience and then monitor results in the analytics dashboard as they happen. Now with the ability to attach MMS to your drip messages, you will see your engagement increase.
Flexible timing
Attach MMS
Send at the best time with Scheduled Messages.
No matter when you craft a message, it can be sent at the right time when you know your audience will receive it with Scheduled Messages. When you learn the best time for your audience to receive a message, you can consistently tailor their experience to interact with your message.
Reduce your workload with automated responses.
Auto Responses allow you to pre-plan responses that automatically go out based on inbound communication from your audience. Not monitoring your inbox? Set automated away messages to make sure your audience knows what to expect from you.
FAQs about Automated Messaging
What do people use text automation for?
Each industry we serve has different use cases. Our partners use Text Drip from delivering multiple messages to help new subscribers get to know their organization to sending a series of video content over time. Our Customer Care Ambassadors help you identify how you can creatively diversify your messaging in your industry with our automations.
Do automations cost extra?
Text Drip and Scheduled Messages are baked into our app for everybody and ANY Powered by Text plan at no extra cost.
How do I know what messages to send in a drip campaign?
The good news with texting is it is the best vehicle to deliver your already-created content. Have you already made a video or podcast? Written a blog? Planned a new initiative? Let our Customer Care Ambassadors help you take this content and help you craft a message that will increase engagement and participation.